Eleven clones of Hevea brasiliensis were evaluated in a large-scale field trial at Keeriparai in the Thovalai Taluk of Kanyakumari District in India. The clones showed significant variations in casualty due to sun-scorch, juvenile girth, early tappability, girth at opening, mean girth increment over five juvenile years, bark thickness, number of latex vessel rows and test tap yield. The clones showed high variability for sun scorch casualty. This trait was also negatively correlated with growth attributes and test tap yield recorded after the incidence of sun scorch. The clones IRCA 111 and PB 314 were found suitable for the area with respect to establishment, growth, early tappability and initial yield. PB 255 and IRCA 230 were also promising clones in terms of establishment, growth and bark characters. No incidence of pink disease was observed in this trial. The control clone RRII 105 was ranked low for most of the characters evaluated.
Bark thickness, Early tappability, Heritability, Hevea brasiliensis, Latex vessel rows, Sun scorch